Бу җыелманың рекламасын ясап акча казанырга телисезме?

Хисап язмагызда Эшбердәмлек бүлекне табыгыз.

Freelance simultaneous and consecutive interpreter

Эшчәнлек һәм эш юнәлеше

Freelance simultaneous and consecutive interpreter

Резюме, белем, тәҗрибә

Moscow Region, Russia
Cel. : +7 916-740-40-49
E-mail: svetlanataskaeva@yandex.ru
Site: http://svetlana-taskaeva.narod.ru/

2004-2006Moscow State Linguistic University
Course for Simultaneous Interpreting
2003-2004Moscow British Council CPE course (Grade B certificate)
1997-2000Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology
Postgraduate course (English literature)
1992-1997Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology
Diploma with distinction in Russian Arts and Letters

Professional Experience
2005 till presentAs a freelance simultaneous and consecutive interpreter, I provide conference, liason, telephone and marketing interpreting between the Russian and English languages for private clients, organizations, and translating agencies (MTAgency, BINTS, Perevedem.ru, Technolex, Novy vek, Exprimo) in Moscow. Apart from vast array of firms in many industries and segments (including health & beauty, production & sales, construction, IT, education, law, banking & finance, advertising & PR, oil & gas, marketing, medicine), on the constant basis I interpret for SAP (CIS), Beiersdorf, CTCCapital.

2000 till presentContract translator of fiction and editor for Moscow publishing houses (Terra-Knizhny Klub, Panorama, AST, EXMO, Amadeus, Omega). Among my translations there are novels by Mary Stuart, a fantasy cycle by Joel Rosenberg, fairy tales by Emily Rodda. I edited the translation of Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien for EXMO and I am a co-author of Rosmen Publishing House’s Children Enciclopaedia on Barbarians.

References are available on request

Эш эзләүче белән резюме буенча элемтәгә керергә

Башка резюмелар

Башка резюмелар

Төбәк буенча классификатор

Һөнәр буенча классифифкатор
